The THEATRE DANCE ASSOCIATION is committed to contributing to the
general development of vocational dance; to supporting any
opportunity to invest in the future of young dancers.
First launched in 2017, THE BALLET REPERTOIRE COMPETITION provides an elevated platform for young aspiring dancers to gain more experience in the Repertoire field before they compete at an International level.
And now, Contemporary dancers must also be given a positive and supportive platform to unleash their creativity and passion is evident; to help them achieve their goals and to compete in an amazing theatre experience….introducing for the first time in South Africa, THE CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS!
Our vision is to empower and inspire young dancers in all dance disciplines by nurturing their skills, confidence, and talent in a safe and encouraging environment that is professionally handled to give them a real experience, to gain valuable performance experience, to compete against other dancers from around South Africa in a beautiful theatre on a professional full-size stage, with a fantastic auditorium for spectators.
Online Performance Option Available
SUNDAY 22nd September 2024
VENUE: Sea Point Civic Centre, Cape Town
2 Repertoire Solos of the dancer's choice
Detailed information brochure available from the
TDA office
Age categories
9 - 11 Yrs
12 - 13 Yrs
14 - 15 Yrs
16 + Over
3 Judges
To be announced
AWARDS (2024)
16 + over
Winner R 2000
1st runner up R 1500
2nd runner up Medal
14 - 15 Yrs
Winner R 1500
1st runner up R 1000
2nd runner up Medal
12 - 13 Yrs
Winner R 1200
1st runner up R 900
2nd runner up Medal
9 - 11 Yrs
Winner R 1000
1st runner up R 750
2nd runner up Medal

SATURDAY 21st September 2024
VENUE: Sea Point Civic Centre, Cape Town
2 Performance pieces
Detailed information brochure available from the
TDA office
Age categories
7 - 8 Yrs
9 - 10 Yrs
11 - 12 Yrs
13 - 14 YRS
15 - 16 Yrs
17 + Over
3 Judges
To be announced
AWARDS (2024)
17 + over
Winner R 2000
1st runner up R 1500
2nd runner up Medal
15 - 16 Yrs
Winner R 1500
1st runner up R 1000
2nd runner up Medal
13 - 14
Winner R 1200
1st runner up R 750
2nd runner up Medal
11 - 12 Yrs
Winner R 1000
1st runner up R 500
2nd runner up Medal
9 - 10 Yrs
Winner R 750
1st runner up R 350
2nd runner up Medal
7 - 8 Yrs
Winner R 500
1st runner up R 250
2nd runner up Medal
2023 Ballet Repertoire Winners
Winner: Leah Deetlefs
1st Runner up Zara Yazbek
2nd Runner up Victoria Toweel
1st Runner up Victoria Toweel
2nd Runner up Leah Deetlefs
1st RUNNER UP Sasha Barnes
2nd Runner up Emily Fortuin
Winner: Sasha Barnes
1st Runner up Maggie Olivier
2nd Runner up Emily Fortuin
2023 Contemporary Dance Winners
Junior Contemporary
Winner: Victoria Toweel
1st runner up Alix Mckay
2nd runner up Kaela Nel
Junior Own Choice
Winner: Alix Mckay
1st Runner up Zara Yazbek
2nd Runner up Victoria Toweel
Senior Contemporary
Winner: Jesse Bredenkamp
1st runner up Sasha Barnes
TIE 2nd runner up Jadyn Oks & Cayla Parkin
Senior Own Choice
Winner: Sasha Barnes
1st Runner up Monja Roux
2nd Runner up Deré Vermeulen

Entries will be processed by way of the TDA's NEW ONLINE Registration System.
Further information on the competition is in the brochure available from the TDA office. Simply email theatredanceassocation@gmail.com for any queries.
Online Registration Instructions available from the TDA office.
Once you have read through the guide, simply
click on the link below, create your studio profile and start adding your entries!
Registrations Open Date
17 July 2024
Registrations Closing Date
16 August 2024
This site contains the planning of the Ballet Repertoire Competition and The Championship Dance Awards
for the year 2024. Where required by circumstance, the organisers reserve the right to make all and any amendments.
Such amendments, as well as any further arrangements of concern,
will be notified to all concerned immediately.
Email: theatredanceassociation@gmail.com
Tel Office:
Cell: 082 063 9996