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Founded in 2004 The Theatre Dance Association is an association of inspiring, go ahead teachers who want a new and different challenge, irrespective of what dance discipline they teach or to what other associations they may belong. tda teachers have a common goal - to share, encourage and challenge their own abilities in an already challenged industry.

The Theatre Dance Association is more than a teachers association though, it is also a syllabus organisation.


Besides offering an exciting and stimulating syllabus in modern, tap, hip hop and ballet, including performance medals in all those genres, making friends in the business and growing one’s self and one’s studio is inclusive of what The Theatre Dance Association strives to achieve.

becoming a member of the theatre dance association is the start of a most sincere and exciting journey with us into a new experience of dance and its future!


​Saturday 4th december 2004 - the launching of The Theatre Dance Association - and we knew we were just one step away from a new beginning – a new beginning for dance, for what it has to offer, for how it is taught and presented and for where it takes dance teachers and their pupils in this new millennium.


We received an overwhelming response to this new and innovative association which began as an adventure and as with all adventures, we had no idea where it would lead us! but we were hopeful! we connected with a sense of resilience and bravery; we drew a deep breath, focused ourselves and knew that just the energy in our attempt was strong enough to sustain us.


And so began the most important journey of our lives – the biggest adventure that we would ever undertake, for the biggest adventure anyone can ever undertake is to live the life of their dreams. we were doing just that! The Theatre Dance Association took its first breath and we got on with doing what we knew we should be doing – building a new and respectful association that focuses on creating opportunities for dance teachers, dancers and dance as a whole, and in doing so, it has led us to become the fullest human beings that we can possibly be! we have worked around the clock to create an association worthy of its members, and strangely enough, the more chaotic and stressful things were on the outside, the calmer we became on the inside!

welcome to the tda!

About Us

About Us


SATURDAY 4th DECEMBER 2004 - the launching of the THEATRE DANCE ASSOCIATION - and we knew we were just one step away from a new beginning – a new beginning for dance, for what it has to offer, for how it is taught and presented and for where it takes dance teachers and their pupils in this new millennium.

We received an overwhelming response to this new and innovative association which began as an adventure and as with all adventures, we had no idea where it would lead us. But we were hopeful. We connected with a sense of resilience and bravery; we drew a deep breath, focused ourselves and knew that just the energy in our attempt was strong enough to sustain us.

And so began the most important journey of our lives – the biggest adventure that we would ever undertake, for the biggest adventure anyone can ever undertake is to live the life of their dreams. We did just that - the THEATRE DANCE ASSOCIATION took its first breath and we got on with doing what we knew we should be doing – building a new and respectful association that focuses on creating opportunities for dance teachers, dancers and dance as a whole, and in doing so, it has led us to become the fullest human beings that we can possibly be! We have worked around the clock to create an association worthy of its members, and strangely enough, the more chaotic and stressful things were on the outside, the calmer we became on the inside!


Welcome to the TDA!



Offering an exciting, innovative and stimulating MODERN, TAP, HIP HOP and BALLET SYLLABUS






Creative movement PRE-SCHOOL SYLLABUS for 3 – 6 year olds catering for Ballet; Tap and Modern pupils






PERFORMANCE MEDALS - 6 different genres from which to choose

1. Tap Medal
2. Modern Medal
3. Theatre Dance Medal
4. Musical Theatre Medal
5.Ballet Medal
6.Hip Hop Medal






training aspirant dancers to qualify as competent, capable and 

truly good teachers.


More than a Syllabus Organisation!
More than a Teachers Association!



• Teachers' Inspirational
• Pupils' Inspirational Workshops
• Syllabus Revision and Syllabus Learning Courses
• International Conventions
• “Dancers for Dancers” – Workshopsfund raiser for Cape Town City BalletGala

• The Ballet Repertoire Competition
• Eisteddfod of the Performing Arts
• Examinations in all dance disciplines
• Performance Medals in all 4 dance disciplines offered


With constant and ongoing:

• Teacher Training in all 4 disciplines offered 

• Social events

• Teachers "perks and give back" initiatives
• Business and Social Networking
• Free advertising within the network for TDA members' events


“Dance is the hidden language of the soul” 
― Martha Graham


Teachers interested in learning more about the THEATRE DANCE ASSOCIATION are invited to contact the TDA office… inspired, be a TDA member!




TEL: (021) 761-7547
FAX: 086 530 1511



Website address: 

Facebook:               Click here to visit       

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Examinars Seminar 2017
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